In the short term, renting is always cheaper. There are substantially less costs involved in renting, and normally just comprise of first and last months, a monthly hydro bill and maybe the actual expense to move.
Where if you decide to purchase a home there are a number of costs involved. Even once you are able to save the deposit you will need to save an additional amount to pay the costs of purchasing.
Other costs include land transfer taxes, lawyers fees and potentially closing costs. And once you do move in, your monthly bills will likely be more than if you were renting.
It is best to calculate how long you plan to stay where you are. If you plan to stay indefinitely, then purchasing is your best decision. If you plan to stay for only a few years, then renting may be substantially cheaper.
There are scenarios where this may not be the case. If you are purchasing in a large metropolitan city or in the surrounding areas of one, there is a chance that the market could go up substantially in a couple years time, in which case you would have made money. But no one knows for sure what the market is going to do, so it is best to take the risk you feel most comfortable with.