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5 major areas in life bring about or are present during a “Real Estate Transition”

Read below to learn more?

Life is full of changes, and each can bring unique challenges, especially regarding housing. Navigating through these transitions doesn’t have to be overwhelming. We face reality~ some of these steps will be joyful and gracious. Others may be more sober; and challenging. Either way – As a Life Transition Real Estate Specialist, will be there to help you every step of the way.

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Your time is valuable. I hope that you’ll find this blog the same.

Life, much like nature, unfolds in seasons.

As a 46-year veteran in real estate, I have assisted hundreds of people in every season of life with varying experiences,

We may never meet personally, but I desire that you learn from my observations and mistakes and be enriched.

Living Room

When getting ready to sell your home, it can be hard to know what renovations will get your property sold the fastest and for the most amount of money. Should you replace your furnace or redo your kitchen? Should you gut your bathroom or add another one? Should you get your roof done or buy new appliances?

Or you might wonder what the small inexpensive things you can do that will make a substantial difference to upgrading your home.

And of course, most importantly, how much money are you going to recoup on the listing price if you do make the investment?

Below is a list of your most worthwhile renovations when it comes to getting your home ready for the market.

bathroom sink

Purchasing a home will inevitably be the biggest financial discussion of your life. And the decision as to whether it is the right time to purchase a home depends on a number of factors. And it is not just your finances.

Although your finances are important, other things you should consider before putting in an offer are your age, the current real estate and mortgage market and of course where you see yourself in the future.

So should you rent or purchase a home? Find out by asking yourself the following questions.

living room

With a never ending list of everything you ‘should do’ when purchasing a home, it seems counterproductive to focus on what you should not do. But being aware of the dont’s is just as important as the do’s, when it comes to making the biggest financial investment of your life.

And knowing what not to do, just might land you better financing and the home of your dreams.

It may seem obvious to not do certain things like switching your job or co-signing a loan, but did you ever think that depositing cash or financing a new piece of furniture could affect your ability to get a mortgage?

As big as your ‘to do’ list is when purchasing a property, make sure you also have your ‘not to do’ list in close reach.

Read on to make sure you are avoiding these common mistakes and what to be aware of before you make your first offer on a property.

Living Room

When purchasing or selling a property, it is always a good idea to work with a professional, especially when it comes to the largest financial asset you own.

Realtors can do everything from getting you the best price, showing you the most amount of homes, educating you on the marketing and informing you on important information regarding the contracts.

So why should you work with a realtor?


You finally saved enough money for a down payment, you completed the long and tiring process of house hunting and negotiating, and now you’re ready to close and get the keys to your new home. But it’s not over yet. You still have closing costs to deal with, which may be an unpleasant and expensive surprise if you’re not prepared. Understanding and budgeting for closing costs can make that final stretch of the process far more manageable and much less unpleasant. So check out these 5 things you should know about closing costs when buying a house in Northern Colorado.


If you’re a home buyer, you want (naturally) to get the best deal possible. There are a lot of ingredients that go into getting a great deal, which typically means a good price, favorable concessions, repairs paid for, and a convenient closing. One of the most important of those great-deal ingredients is negotiation. That’s the critical step in the whole process whether a good deal is made or not. So check out 4 of our top negotiation strategies for home buyers in Northern Colorado.


Buying a home can be both an exciting adventure and a very nerve-wracking experience. It is especially nerve-wracking in the early stages when home buyers are waiting to see if they actually qualify for the mortgage they need. You can, however, greatly increase your chances of qualifying and reduce a lot of the stress at the same: just avoid the common mistakes and missteps. Read on, then, to discover the 5 things Northern Colorado home buyers shouldn’t do after applying for a mortgage.


The real estate market has experienced some fairly major upheavals during the past two or three years. One of them is that the has been heavily weighted in favor of sellers owing to low inventory, fierce buyer competition, and rising home prices. As a result, many potential home buyers are reluctant to jump into the market. But market conditions are now changing, and sellers don’t have the upper hand that they did just a short time ago. Buying a home is, of course, a highly personal decision, but right now may be the time to buy. Here are 4 huge advantages of buying a home today in Northern Colorado.


Life is full of transitions, which can sometimes affect our living situations. Moving to a new home is one of the most significant transitions you can make, and it can be incredibly challenging during major life events. The real estate process can be complex and emotional, whether you're moving for a new job, downsizing for retirement, or relocating for health reasons. However, you can navigate these transitions successfully with the proper guidance and approach. This comprehensive guide will provide in-depth information and strategies to help you make informed decisions, achieve your goals, and turn buying and selling real estate into a positive experience during life transitions.


If you're a parent whose children have grown up and left home, you may consider downsizing - moving to a smaller home to reduce living costs and simplify your life. This How to Downsize Guide - Tips for Empty Nesters is here to help you with that process. Our Downsize Guide offers valuable tips for identifying your needs and wants, downsizing effectively, finding the right home, preparing for the move, adjusting to your new surroundings, and more. Additionally, the How to Downsize Guide - Tips for Empty Nesters covers essential topics such as the benefits of downsizing, coping with empty nest syndrome, understanding the value of your home, and considering factors like having a home office, working with an experienced real estate agent, and navigating life as a baby boomer who's an empty nester.


In times of economic uncertainty, such as an economic downturn or recession, the real estate market experiences unique challenges. Prospective home buyers and sellers must carefully consider various factors to make informed decisions. This comprehensive guide provides valuable insights and practical advice to navigate the real estate market during an economic downturn.


When considering downsizing as a part of your retirement plan, it's essential to understand the factors that drive this decision. One of the critical factors is home equity. By leveraging the equity in your current home, you can free up cash and potentially reduce your monthly expenses. This can significantly contribute to a successful retirement plan. Additionally, downsizing can allow you to declutter and simplify your life, leading to greater peace of mind and less stress in your golden years.


The United States housing market has experienced fluctuations due to various factors such as the Great Recession and economic growth. One main factor affecting the real estate sector is interest rates, which central banks like the Federal Reserve determine. In the past year, there have been concerns about the impact of higher interest rates on potential homebuyers, sellers, and real estate investors.


As you approach retirement, it's essential not just to find a house but also to build a home that reflects your envisioned lifestyle. Defining this lifestyle can simplify the search for your dream home.
